Conference application form * - required. Firt name* Middle name Last name* Salutation ---Mr.Ms.Dr.Prof. Degree* noneMSc or equivalentPh.D or equivalent Academic rank* without academic rankDocentProfessorCorresponding memberMember of an academy Affiliation* Position* Research interests Form of participation* Full-time participationPoster presentationRemote participation The Conference topics of interest* Natural Sciences Education Today and P. Chebyshev’s Scientific Heritage.Number theory and cryptography.Probability theory and statistical theory.Approximation theory.Computational mathematics.Differential equations (nonlinear dynamics, dynamic systems).Wave modeling.Software models and systems.Viscous fluid dynamics.Heat and mass transfer.Physicochemical fluid dynamics in multiphase media.Capillary flow thermohydrodynamics.Hydrodynamic simulation of oil & gas deposits.Simulation models and IT for the oil&gas industry.AI for decision making.Knowledge acquisition, representation, processing, and integration; knowledge bases.Predictive analysis of physical systems.AI for information search, processing, and analysis. Paper title* E-mail* Recomendation Please attach your paper (optional)